Legends:Aldmeri Patriot

Aldmeri Patriot
Creature (High Elf)
LG-card-Aldmeri Patriot.png
Deck code IDam
Card SetLG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka CostLG-icon-Magicka.png1
AttributeWillpower Willpower
PowerPower 1HealthHealth 2
RarityRare Rare
Summon: +1/+1 if you have an action in your hand.

Aldmeri Patriot is a rare Willpower creature card. It is available as part of the Core Set.


When summoned (effect not activated):

“Let my aim be true!”

When summoned (effect activated):

“I have an extra quiver, thank the Eight.”

When attacking:

“That’s close enough.”

“Your death will be auspicious.”

“Your breath shall join the winds.”


  • This card’s summon ability applies the Aldmeri Strength card effect.
  • This card is named after the Aldmeri Dominion, and depicts an Altmer with Altmer-style medium armor and weapons as they appear in ESO.

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